Not what I had planned, but I take em as they come!

Things are slowing down! This winter could be a great time to gather up some good deals here and there and sit on them until the Spring bike fever hits. Unfortunately until then, the selling will be minimal. However, here and there I'm sure I will be able to get rid of a bike or two and slowly move towards the goal.

Last week I picked up this Trek 4100 off craigslist. Someone had it in their basement and hadn't ridden it in years. It needed a tune-up and a new chain. She only wanted $60 for it. If she hadn't lived 5 minutes from me I definitely wouldn't have gotten it as many people called her within 10 minutes of listing the bike.

I had aspirations of fixing it up and selling it, but eventually decided to sell it as another project. Someone decided it was worth $150 to them just as I bought it, and that they would put the work in to it. Not what I had in mind, but a quick $90 none the less, bringing out new total to $925. I should be to my first thousand soon!